Yay! This is something new I am doing to highlight awesome local Bay Area vendors doin' what they do best!
My very first spotlight shines on super adorable and very energetic hair artist Lindsay Padilla of Livermore. Lindsay is not even the legal drinking age, but in her short years has amassed exposure and experience to match any stylist out there.
Isn't she just the cutest?

I had a chance to chat with Linds about how she got started and how her career thus far has evolved.
ME: So, normally, 16 year olds have no clue about what they want to major in in college, let alone what they want to do with their lives; how did you know at the age of 16 this is what you wanted to do?
LINDSAY: I have been doing hair since I was about 13...I wanted to get into the industry so bad, and was so passionate about it at such an early age. My grandma had survived breast cancer, and in learning about the different support groups and programs, she told me about one in particular called "Look Good...Feel Better". I got involved in the program by being an assistant to the facilitators, and met Mark Wise, a salon owner in Livermore who sold wigs to cancer patients throughout the Tri-Valley area. Eventually, I was teaching cancer patients how to apply makeup and take care of their hair, skin, and nails during the chemotherapy war that their body was in at the time. I begged Mark for a job at his salon, even if I was sweeping hair, yet I was only 13. So, after 3 years of helping out, on my 16th birthday, I was in Anita's Salon talking with Mark and Anita about my job opportunity. A week later I was answering the phones and sweeping hair (YES!). Over the next two years, I had a sneak peek into the industry and learned by just watching. After graduating high school, I went to school at Paul Mitchell, where I learned to take my passion and turn it into my career. ME: What one moment defined the clarity you had for wanting to be a stylist to brides?
LINDSAY: Over time, I realized that working with photographers, and working with women on their wedding day was really my favorite thing to do. Eventually I started to build my "wedding business" and was being referred to many brides. This summer I look forward to many weddings, set in the vineyards, or even the beach. Sometimes I have to step back and think about what brides are willing to trust me with. I feel so honored to have the responsibility of their hair and makeup, making them look the unforgettable on their wedding day, one of the most important days of their lives. Ever since I was a little girl I looked at brides like they were princesses, always following them around during the receptions, or staring at them in awe, and now I can actually say I had something to do with the way that they looked that day. That is why I love what I do.Lindsay's focus and dedication to her craft are only exceeded by her talent and desire for all her clients to walk away completely beautified and gorgeous. If you are in the bay area, give her a call!
Some of Linday's recent work: